Rumi: Love, Madness & Ecstasy / by Guest User

February 79, 2014

Written by Sheri Winkelmann
Directed by Helen Young

Featuring: Gordon Chow, Joseph Anthony Foronda, John Francisco, Emjoy Gavino, Molly Lyons, Virginia Lee Marie Martinez, Amira Sabbagh, Dwight Sora, Suzanne Sole, and Michelle Weissgerber

When Sadia travels to India to volunteer with the exiled Tibetan refugee community, she never imagines that she will meet the love of her life. Caught in a whirlwind romance, she returns with new love to America and they quickly marry. Not long after the wedding, Sadia discovers a dark, twisted side to him that eventually threatens her life. Struggling to escape the physical and psychological violence that has become her daily life, she discovers the enlightened Sufi poet Rumi, whose spiritual insights guide her to freedom.