Mosque Alert / by Guest User


April 18, 2017

Written by Jamil Khoury
Directed by Carin Silkaitis

Featuring: Annelyse Ahmad, Olivia Crary, Maddie DePorter, Nate Faust, Rula Gardenier, Kelly Lynn Hogan, Gabrielle Lott-Rogers, Clayton Stamper, Yousof Sultani, D’Wayne Taylor, Harrison Weger, and Philip Winston

Inspired by the Ground Zero Mosque controversy in New York City, Mosque Alert tells the story of three fictional families living in Naperville, Illinois, whose lives are interrupted by a proposed Islamic Center on the site of a beloved local landmark. Mosque Alert explores the intersections of zoning and Islamophobia with humor, family drama, and refreshingly blunt honesty.

Performed at Benedictine University